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Sunny Dubai Time

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Friday, May 26, 2006
I know it hurts, It was meant to...Your secrets out and the best part is it isn't even a good one

Being a newbie sucks!
When my "senior" is power tripped and "super busy"

Nonetheless, I like my job!
I like my managers!

I'm still singing the happy song~ lalalala

Today, I had phone answering training.

Here's the Holy verbiage....
"Good _______, Thank you for calling Sales & Marketing.
This is Zinmar, How may I assist you?"

I had to enact that and was told "lively"..
Then the newbie fromHR said "but she's born with a sweet voice wat!"
Like duh! I am acting..

But then, the bosses keep saying:
"we must be actors and actresses"
"Hotel business is Show business"
So no matter wat you feel inside, u must look happy.

Some of the ppl there has been working at the Hotel for quite sometimes already but they were caught not answering properly by some seniors.

Like one of them answered the phone, after working hours already, and said "arlow!" and it happens to be "Mr. Bland" at the other end. wahahhahaa..

F.Y.I : Mr. Brand is the GM a.k.a the biggest boss of the Hotel.

Here's something I learnt, operators usually have mirrors in front of them at work.
Why? Go figure.. lalalala~

Gotta tour ard the hotel today. Check out the rooms.

This is how the Standard and Superior rooms look like. U can see the bathtub thru the little round window ^__^ and they have this thing called "rain like shower".
psst.. I can get these rooms for a cheaper price ^^ lalalala~

This is the club room at Claymore wing. They are a tab bit bigger.
Too bad I can't show the signature Club rooms and suites. They are very oriental, cozy and dark. The hall way has black carpet with red prints. One side of the wall is black and the other is gold. Its a bit creepy if u think of "Hotels". U know wat I mean.
The executive suite looks the same but it has a living room.
The presidential suite is huge! I lurve the bathroom. It has a jacuzzi.

Gotta work tmr..
Time for me to sleep now.
Nite peeps!
Miss u gals~

"This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters
But we never stood a chance
And I'm not sure if it matters
If you are the shores, I am the waves begging for big moons"

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I am another waste of everything you dreamed of...

Orientation at the Hotel was pretty fun.. Getting to know the ppl who just joined the Hotel like me. Interesting characters and backgrounds, most of them thought I was Malay n spoke to me in Malay, found my name 'unique', even the bosses, like Mr. Soh and one complimented my facial skin ^^ . It last 2 days n I get to go home early!

A guy called Jonathan from Mauritius was there for attachment from SMU. He's the concierge but he's so quiet. Or maybe just shy. He sat beside me and I have to keep making small talks n bring up one topic after another -.-" Its weird when 2 ppl just sit next to each other or walk side by side and say nothing. He said he came to Singapore cuz he loves Singapore ever since he visited for the first time in 1990. He comes here every year for vacations and now living here. He asked me why I came here and I said "oh, my parents made me" haha~ zero enthusiasm.

Jack, The Security Manager, had lotsa interesting stories. Like the "passport con man" and also suicide case at the hotel he used to work. He said he's seen everything, "u name it, I've seen it". The bosses are pretty friendly. But they keep picking anyone of us to ask questions. Its like back in high school all over again. i got picked on several times =X
Community Chest came n gave a speech too. From next month on wards, I will be donating $5 every month. I wanna do the same for SPCA too. I've always wanted to do that. Now that I will be having a regular income I can do that ^_^

Monday, May 22, 2006
If it is worth ur while.. say something

I am no longer jobless *stares at someone*

I'm working at Orchard Hotel as a sales coordinator. Basically, assisting the sals manager. Lotsa admin work. I dunno how long I will enjoy this job but I'm still fine with it. Of course somedays, I would prefer to stay home and watch my dvds and be lazy but doing that alone won't allow me to enjoy the Mango sales thats coming up. aint it?
They need to give me a PC and some work to do. I've been bored out of my mind these few days!

Lifes pretty good ^^ I am not only content, pretty happy too...

I'm gonna miss clubbing on ladies nites ALOT but I guess i will have Fridays or Sats to make up for it. I went to liquid room on sat and it was a blast! Laughing at short ppl - c.h.e.a.p.t.h.r.i.l.l - seriously, guys dig short chicks. It was fun watching them. And the DJs are cool. That was like the only time I paid attention to them. I like what he said when they played Pussy Cat Dolls' Beep. It was so funny!
After clubbing, when we were on the way to the loo, this guy approached me and said "Hi, do u speak english?" me *nod* ( should have say "noooo, me dunch sapeak engrish") and he said "My friend wants to make friend with you" and he pointed at somewhere and I dun see anyone. I'm like "huh?". urgh.. am I like supposed to follow him and walk over to meet his mystery friend to 'make friend' with him. Geez.. did that tactic ever work on any girls? I told him "I need to go to the loo" and left.

Well, thats all folks. If I sit here any longer I will be late for work and won't be able to buy Jaw Breakers!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

HaPpY bIrThDaY OnYi!!!
we surprised her with a cake at Mc Cafe after her dinner with AntShe didn't have a clue!
Group pic!The ever-so-cute-couple
yummy cake~I love this grp pic!
Tho we took like 4 shots to get this -.-"Linda "creamed " by Jean!
then Jean say sorry & ran~ *chicken*Then Linda did it to penguin ^^
And Boon~OnYi with the gift I made her ^__^
She can wear it 2 waysMuacked by Jean!Muackz Muackzthen Penguin Blew a kiss at AntGrp pic minus me~Linda snopping thru my shoppin bag >.~

Shopping in the afternoon

they are only 20%

Chilling before the surprise

she looks like those ppl in the old chinese drama who wears grey outfits n cloths wrapped ard their head~ I dunno which eraJean wants a piece of it too
content with my coke
Penguin _\/_

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I dreamt that my interviewer thinks having too many schools is bad.


Like 8 school~

Monday, May 08, 2006
my mom makes me wanna stab ppl

too little sleep

too many forms

too much personality tests

too little time

too hot

too many schools

too qualified

too many questions

too imaginative

too long to travel

too expensive

too late

too polite

too many desires

too confuse

too tired.

Sunday, May 07, 2006
Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see..

I think I just figured out why as we all know and marvel at sometimes,

"Why Chicks Dig Jerks"

Jerks/assholes/arrogant pricks have enough self-esteem that we don't have to constantly massage their egos, sometimes they even massage ours and we like that. That dash of self-importance gives them something to talk about on dates...when there's a lull in conversation they can and will talk about themselves. They'll laugh at their own jokes and make us have a good time with them by proxy. They're not overthinking what conversation topic is crossing the line and what's not, they just GO THERE and we like that they don't spend the whole time on the weather or raisin bran. If you've ever tried to carry a conversation by yourself you know how much it sucks and how just a little input would make it light-years better.

The non-asshole guys in general are too goddamn "respectful" and never try making moves when they should because they're too terrified of getting shot down so they never do anything so their egos don't get hurt but in the end they whine about how they're just friends with every girl they know and how it's somehow these girls' fault for not flinging themselves at them. Just being there is not enough. Being alive and breathing and hanging out together is something friends do and will keep you in the dreaded "friends box" for all time. Hugging longer than is appropriate, cuddling, and going in for a kiss are things that define "more than friends" from "friends" or "close friends."

Which is more romantic?
The guy who shakes your hand and says goodbye without so much as an "I had a great time"
The guy who dips you for a kiss?
Sure you have to be fucking full of yourself to try the latter, but girls are friggin' little princesses inside looking for their knight and they look for acts of boldness to define him.
Is there a chance you'll be shot down with extreme prejudice?
Is it worth the risk?
You Tell me..

Won't you come over check up on it, I'm gonna let you work up on it
Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it
Dip it, pop it, work it, stop it, check on me tonight

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Whats Botulinum Toxic A? "Toxic gas emitted by Type A personalities." - Jill Sara 28

Last nite, while i was watching TV with my sis, we saw the American Idol commercial where Paula Abdul said "you moved me" and we noticed that her cheeks didn't moved when she said that. Sis suspect that its becuz of all the botox injections. She started to immitate her and kept repeating "you moved me" which was hilarious. I was laughing out loud as usual then I told her to "stop it! We are gonna grow old too u know!". Then she said she won't use botox even if grows old. I asked if she wld rather be wrinkley. And she said "I will die!" "50 and I am dead" ahahahhaha..

When she says "I would rather die" she doesn't mean it metaphorically, she means it literally.

Then we recalled how one of our aunts ("the favourite one") always say she wants to die when she turns 60, which is in 2 yrs time. And we plan to remind her that.

Monday, May 01, 2006
Instead of stressed... I lied here charmed

This week is a series of girl friends days.

Tuesday was with Yy. (last entry)

Thursday Touristy day!

Met up with babes to fix up her outfit for her SIA interview. She was planning to wear jeans since her friends told her thats how SIA wants to see >.<~ But I didn't agree to it. I wanted her to make an impression. And I'm sure she did! ;) Our plan was for her to wear a cardigan, Spaghetti top and black pants. And a scarf to save her hair. hurhur~ So we went to Arab street to hunt for scarfs. But her mum saved her with a suitcase full of scarfs ^^ Since the scarf was long, we lose the cardigan, and let it be just the green knit spaghetti strap top and the greenish yellow scarf. She looks so cute! and totally atypical! We explored the area, so touristy! There were so many Arabian shops. Like duh! And those vintage furnishing shops. I love the hand painted cupboard that's imported from States. Its priced $6000 but I think it's so worth it. Its like one of a kind. Just tons of random stuffs that I adore. We could like imagine our rooms with all those furnitures. Coke cans and bottles collection ^__^ I saw something new too. Egg shall lacquer paintings. So beautiful! ooh.. I just read online that they are now made of layers of thin cotton cloths soaked in mud. Not cow dung anymore =)
And we found a little cozy cafe with day beds and a book shelf next to it. We had scramble eggs and swiss roll. Pick out random books and I keep getting French, German or Swedish books -_-"
Left the place before we fall asleep and went over to babes workplace. Stayed there for a short while and I came home.

Friday with Val

I haven't seen this babe in months! We had so much to talk about. From jobs to the nitemare she had! We walked for hours from CityHall - Suntec - Marina Square - Esplanade - Raffles Place. We went to the foodloft too. Now she's the 4th lady ^^ And the strawberry chocolate was so yummy~
new words for her. "sissified" & "cam whore/whoring"

Saturday Lunch with Maureen

Finally get to meet her! She told me about her one week orientation as prison officer. Sound super tough. But she's up for it so I'm sure she will make it. It sound like NS to me. She has to book in during the weekdays and only book out at weekends. 0.0! She was complaining about the food in there and how she has to drink tap water. And also now she has to give up pedicure, manicure and all the fancy earrings. Her long nails. eeks!

But she's gonna be so fit. She's been training and she even bought a pair of dumbbells yesterday. She's now taking the stairs instead of the elevators. She said all the fats will be replaced by muscles soon. Woot!
We went over to Taka and meet Carol for awhile too. Catch up for awhile then we went home.

oh yeah, here's a tiny part of my convo with my huh. I was tellin her abt how fit Maureen is going to be...

YY : Do u think typing so much will actually make our arms leaner?
YY : Hmmm
YY : I wonder
Zin : u wish!
YY : shit u zinmar. cannot make me happy for one fleeting moment. hahaha

She had lots of "bloody wanna slap Zinmar" moments thru out the convo last nite. lolz!

I'll be meeting my MDIS friend PS this evening. I haven't seen that girls for ages. So it will be fun!