Orientation at the Hotel was pretty fun.. Getting to know the ppl who just joined the Hotel like me. Interesting characters and backgrounds, most of them thought I was Malay n spoke to me in Malay, found my name 'unique', even the bosses, like Mr. Soh and one complimented my facial skin ^^ . It last 2 days n I get to go home early!
A guy called Jonathan from Mauritius was there for attachment from SMU. He's the concierge but he's so quiet. Or maybe just shy. He sat beside me and I have to keep making small talks n bring up one topic after another -.-" Its weird when 2 ppl just sit next to each other or walk side by side and say nothing. He said he came to Singapore cuz he loves Singapore ever since he visited for the first time in 1990. He comes here every year for vacations and now living here. He asked me why I came here and I said "oh, my parents made me" haha~ zero enthusiasm.
Jack, The Security Manager, had lotsa interesting stories. Like the "passport con man" and also suicide case at the hotel he used to work. He said he's seen everything, "u name it, I've seen it". The bosses are pretty friendly. But they keep picking anyone of us to ask questions. Its like back in high school all over again. i got picked on several times =X
Community Chest came n gave a speech too. From next month on wards, I will be donating $5 every month. I wanna do the same for SPCA too. I've always wanted to do that. Now that I will be having a regular income I can do that ^_^