Ohh Boy you looking like you like what you see..
I think I just figured out why as we all know and marvel at sometimes,
"Why Chicks Dig Jerks"
Jerks/assholes/arrogant pricks have enough self-esteem that we don't have to constantly massage their egos, sometimes they even massage ours and we like that. That dash of self-importance gives them something to talk about on dates...when there's a lull in conversation they can and will talk about themselves. They'll laugh at their own jokes and make us have a good time with them by proxy. They're not overthinking what conversation topic is crossing the line and what's not, they just GO THERE and we like that they don't spend the whole time on the weather or raisin bran. If you've ever tried to carry a conversation by yourself you know how much it sucks and how just a little input would make it light-years better.
The non-asshole guys in general are too goddamn "respectful" and never try making moves when they should because they're too terrified of getting shot down so they never do anything so their egos don't get hurt but in the end they whine about how they're just friends with every girl they know and how it's somehow these girls' fault for not flinging themselves at them. Just being there is not enough. Being alive and breathing and hanging out together is something friends do and will keep you in the dreaded "friends box" for all time. Hugging longer than is appropriate, cuddling, and going in for a kiss are things that define "more than friends" from "friends" or "close friends."
Which is more romantic?
The guy who shakes your hand and says goodbye without so much as an "I had a great time"
The guy who dips you for a kiss?Sure you have to be fucking full of yourself to try the latter, but girls are friggin' little princesses inside looking for their knight and they look for acts of boldness to define him.
Is there a chance you'll be shot down with extreme prejudice?
Is it worth the risk?
You Tell me..
Won't you come over check up on it, I'm gonna let you work up on it
Ladies let em check up on it, watch it while he check up on it
Dip it, pop it, work it, stop it, check on me tonight